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When scraping off antifouling (or paint) spread drop sheets or plastic sheets under the work area to collect debris. Do not work in high winds. The club rules do not allow for wet sanding of antifouling paint. There is a club owned commercial vacuum and sander in the workshop. Alternatively connect the vacuum up to your own power sander. Copper and biocides in antifouling paint are toxic to humans so wear protective clothing, ear protectors and a good quality face mask.


The first aid kit is kept in the club house under the kitchen bench. Should you need to use any of its contents please replace them or inform the club Captain what has been used.

Power leads to your boat on the hardstand should, as far as possible, be kept up high above the ground and above head height to prevent accidental damage. At the end of a day disconnect and coil up your lead.

Do check that a ladder is in a sound state before use. Always lash the top of the ladder to the toe rail or a stanchion base when using it frequently to climb up onto your boat on the hardstand. It is not worth the risk of being casual with ladders!!!


A broken arm or an injured back!!!

The haul out leader will appoint one experienced person to control the winches, which must be attended at all times lest there be the need for an emergency stop.
A second person is best positioned to relay instructions from the boat especially if there is not a clear line of sight to the winch shed. A team member is positioned to warn the public and keep them in a safe place when a haul out or launch is taking place.

Before using the wire winches the emergency cut out switch connected to the rope around the outside of the winch area should be tested to ensure it is in good working order. As the wire winds in, if necessary, it can be guided near the winch with a wooden stave so that it feeds evenly onto the drum. NEVER USE YOUR FOOT!

Used oil is applied periodically with the mop to the wire on the drum to preserve it.
The boat haul down wire which is always used (not the rope) is wound back onto the drum at the end of the work. The haul up wire should be disconnected from the trolley and wound back up to the winch drum. This is for two reasons – one less thing to trip over and to preserve the spliced loop in the end of the wire. The loop should be kept oiled. Beware wire or rope under load. Don’t absent-mindedly stand near or even worse astride the winch wire or rope under load.

The chances of a failure of a shackle, wire or rope is small but would be unpleasant if it happened.
Also much energy can build up when tailing on the rope winch, don’t suddenly let go of the rope if under load because it will whip towards the winch. Could be dangerous!

Please remember the public walkway runs through and around the hardstand area. Vigilance is required at all times to warn members of the public, when necessary, of any possible danger to them during haul outs and work on the hardstand.

A less obvious visible danger to the public (compared to tractors etc) is the haul out wire. When under load and moving it is easy to trip over this wire. Warn members of the public in the vicinity of the wire and take care yourself.

A member of the public about to break a bone as he trips over the haul out wire!!!!

Timber jacks can be dangerous!!!

When lowering the load on a timber jack ALWAYS HOLD THE JACK LEVER AT ALL TIMES. If you fail to hold the lever it will flick upwards and may hit you, even crack into the side of your head!!!

This type of jack is usually only used to lift one side of the launch trolley when greasing the wheels, or to use on the hardstand trolley when removing or replacing rear wheels or when turning front wheels (providing there is no large load on the trolley).

Do NOT use timber jacks to lift boats in cradles!!!

  • Hard hats when appropriate
  • Work gloves are a good idea
  • High visibility vests to be worn
  • Sturdy footwear, no jandals

Please note – hard hats and high visibility vests are kept in the winch shed

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