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New member enquiries are welcome at Shelly Park Cruising Club.
Download the Membership Form, fill it out and then email back to us.

SPCC has two grades of Membership:

  1. Boat owner – with a boat moored in the Shelly Park mooring area

  2. Associate – for members who no longer use Club boating facilities but who wish to retain an association with the SPCC.

Note: New club members looking to use haul out facilities must first participate in the yearly haul out team roster and at least one working bee to ensure they are familiar with the club facilities and procedures.  New member’s boat will not be hauled out for a minimum of 6 months after they join the club. Only members boats permanently on moorings in the Shelly Park mooring area are eligible for haul outs.

Transfer between grades requires an application to the Committee.

Application for Membership Form

Download Form


The Cub Financial year starts in July and subscriptions and charges are set at the AGM in August. Subs are invoiced in September/October and are due for payment on receipt.

SPCC Fee Table from 1st July 2020

Club Pennant Embroidered Flag   $27.00
Size: 550 wide x 230 high
Purchased from the Club Captain

Annual Subscriptions Fee
New Membership Fee ** (one off cost) $375.00
Full Member $100.00
Associate Member $22.50
Veteran Member (member for 15yrs & over 65) $80.00
Mooring Owners Club Levy $150.00
Locker Fee $20.00
** Fee includes Club House key
Clubhouse Key (replacement) $20.00


The Working Bees are essential to the continued maintenance, safety and well being of the Club. The Clubs great facilities have been built up by many volunteers for many years. We need you to come and help to maintain them. There are only 2 a year. They are also very sociable occasions and end with a BBQ.

They are organized by the Club Captain.


The Club has always had a tradition of self help, DIY and cooperative working together by members. Members have used their skills and labour not only for their own boating activities but also in support of the club, its activities and in the use and maintenance of all assets, facilities and equipment. In fact the Club relies on the input and cooperation of members to keep going.

As a result the whole membership enjoys boating and associated activities at a minimal cost as a result of this great self help and cooperative tradition. It has not only kept our fees and charges low but has produced most of the facilities now available and makes possible the annual social and boating activities of SPCC.

The spouse and children of members are counted as members, giving them the right of access to facilities and to skipper boats in Club events. However as with members spouses and children are subject to the rules and discipline of the SPCC. These are set out in the SPCC Management and Operations Manual, and a précis is available form the Club Secretary or Treasurer.

It is this inclusive approach, responsible attitude and the willingness to work together and to help and support each other that makes the SPCC the great club it is.

A number of social events are held each year and the details of these are published in the news letter. Social events include Hone Heke night (November), the Annual Picnic, Annual Social and Prize giving. The Working Bee / Fun Days are advertised in the Newsletter.

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