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In line with Yachting New Zealand’s advice to all boat clubs with regard to the current Health and Safety at work Act, Shelly Park Cruising Club has reviewed it’s risk assessment, management systems, documentation and policies.

All club members have a responsibility to ensure that their actions or inactions can cause no harm or injury to other club members or to members of the public passing by through the area. The notes in this section are to give guidance regarding safe procedures and possible risks.

The tractor is a great asset to the club but there is some potential danger involved with their use. Also it is important the tractors, gear and boats are not damaged. Only authorised and suitably trained Club Members should use the tractors. A list is posted in the tractor shed.


20th May 2018

The tractor is a great asset to the club; we could not function without them. Care of the tractor is vital, as is its safe use.

  1. Servicing regularly of tractor to ensure it is safe to operate. Responsibility of SPCC Club captain to organise.
  2. Warning signs and ropes to be in place to advise any members of the public where to walk and to take all care when the tractor is in use. Haul out leader to organise.
  3. Spotter – whenever possible a club member should work in conjunction with Tractor driver to alert him of any concerns especially when backing. Haul out leader or tractor driver to organise.
  4. Consideration is being given to a warning flashing light to be mounted on the tractors.
  5. Approved tractor drivers should be the only members to use the tractors. This is vital so as to avoid damage to tractor, boats, gear and also any damage to the tractor shed when driving in or out. Also experienced or trained drivers will mean greater safety to both club members and any members of the public in the vicinity.

A club register of approved drivers has been established. Adequate training for any new drivers is essential.

  1. Venting of exhaust fumes from tractor shed. The Club intends to improve the ventilation and extraction of exhaust fumes from the tractor shed when the tractor is being moved out or into the shed. Do not leave engine running for longer than needed whilst the tractor is in the shed.
  2. The tractor must NEVER be left unattended with the engine running. A parked tractor must always have the brakes engaged.

Don Brazier
(SPCC Health and Safety coordinator)

Working on the hardstand or being involved with haulouts is not without danger. These notes have been prepared to advise new club members and as a check list for existing and longstanding members. Health and Safety is vitally important and it is always better to take a little longer for a procedure, especially when jacking boats in cradles, than to rush and have an accident. The haulout team leader is the person in charge of the haulout and has the authority to refuse to haul or move a boat if he is concerned about any aspect of the situation.

Responsibilities of boat owners

  1. A haulout agreement must be signed by the boat owner and haulout team leader before a haulout may proceed. Please review Haulout Agreement & Terms & Conditions here.
  2. A suitably sized cradle in good condition must be used.
  3. The cradle arms may need adjustment. The for’ard arms should give a snug fit to the hull to allow a maximum of 100mm clearance. This makes it easier to centrally position the hull. The aft cradle arms must allow the maximum beam of the hull to pass between them. Most boats are widest at the sheer line but not all boats! A snug fit makes positioning in the centre of the cradle so much easier, more accurate and consequently safer. With a first time haulout for a boat keep a detailed record of cradle adjustment measurements for next time.
  4. Some narrow keeled boats may require a webbing strop from the cradle arms to under the for’ard part of the hull to prevent the boat tipping forward during the haul out.
  5. Bolts on cradle brace bars should all be 15 mm diameter minimum size.
  6. Mark on decks beforehand (masking tape works well) or be aware of the required position of upright cradle arms alongside the hull when bringing the boat into the correct position in the cradle. Ensure that securing lines are ready well beforehand.
  7. Mark clearly the depth of the required waterline on the cradle arms before use. An allowance of about 100mm to 150mm should be fine below the keel. Too much gap below the keel or taking the cradle too far into the water, means delays before the keel can settle onto the cradle as the haulout proceeds. A black tape line over some white plastic shows up well at a distance on the for’ard cradle arms.
  8. It is essential that the trolley wheels have been greased beforehand. This is normally organised by the haulout leader.
  9. Organise sufficient crew to be on board to help secure your boat as it comes into the cradle. Usually two helpers is a minimum to adjust lines as the cradle is pulled up the rails and the boat settles onto its keel.
  10. Although there is some leeway, it is ideal to manoeuvre a boat onto a cradle at slack high water and when there is minimal wind. The haul out leader will be happy to advise.
  11. Note:- Launching always requires the downhaul winch wire first to be run through the sheave at the bottom of the rails, replacing the rope. It takes about 15 minutes and is organised by the haul out team leader.
  12. When your boat is launched after your work on the hardstand it is VITAL that wedges against the hull sides are removed as the boat goes back into the water and securing lines are eased off in time. If this is not done as your boat floats it might lift the trolley off the rails which is a real problem and has occurred at least twice over the years!

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